The Merry-Go-Round Broke Down

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The Merry-Go-Round Broke Down

Oh, the Merry-Go-Round broke down
And we went round and round;
Each time t'would miss, we'd steal a kiss
And the Merry-Go-Round went
"Um-pah-pah, um-pah-pah
Um-pah! Um-pah! Um-pah-pah-pah!"

Oh, the Merry-Go-Round broke down
And it made the darndest sound;
The lights went low, we both said "Oh!"
And the Merry-Go-Round went
"Um-pah-pah, um-pah-pah
Um-pah! Um-pah! Um-pah-pah-pah!"

Oh what fun - a wonderful time -
Finding love for only a dime.

Oh, the Merry-Go-Round broke down,
But you don't see me frown.
Things turned out fine and now she's mine
Cause the the Merry-Go-Round went
"Um-pah-pah, um-pah-pah
Um-pah! Um-pah! Um-pah-pah-pah!"

Oh, the Merry-Go-Round broke down!

This song has been printed from the website.

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  2. The Merry-Go-Round Broke Down

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