The Musical Zoo Theme Song

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The Musical Zoo Theme Song

Look there is Tony Turtle
Playing the piano, [pretend to play piano]
He's tapping his foot – sings his favorite song [tap
your foot].

And there is the Gorilla kicking the beat [stomp your feet]
And he is shaking his arms [shake arms]
And he is shaking his feet [shake feet].

And everybody's clapping [clap: *-*-*-*-*-*]
Here at the Musical Zoo.

And everybody's singing
The Musical Zoo!
Is where I want to be every day and night!
The Musical Zoo!
Is where I want to be every day of my life!

Interlude A:
Leslie The Kangaroo on the bass instrumental & [air bass guitar]
Nila The Hippo with her vibraphone solo [air vibraphone].

The Musical Zoo!
Is where I want to be every day and night!
The Musical Zoo!
Is where I want to be every day of my life!

Interlude B:.

Jimi The Crocodile with his electric guitar solo [air guitar!]
The Musical Zoo!
Is where I want to be every day and night!
The Musical Zoo!
Is where I want to be every day of my life!

This song has been printed from the website.

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  2. The Musical Zoo Theme Song

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