The New Zoo Revue

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The New Zoo Revue

La-La-La-La-La-La-La, La-La-La-La-La-La-La.

It's the New Zoo Revue, coming right at you. .
Where three delightful animals have fun with what they do.

We learn with our friend Doug (our friend Doug!)
I'm his helper Emmy Jo (Emmy Jo!).

With Freddie!

We have fun learning what we don't know.

Delicate and feminine is Henrietta Hippo.
Very wise and very smart is Charlie the Owl. (Whooo!)
Lots of spark with lots of parties, Freddie the Frog.

It's quite an unusual thing, the animals talk and sing. .
With Doug and Emmy Jo, everyday's a different show!

It's the New Zoo Revue, coming right at you. .
It's the New Zoo Revue, coming right at you!

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  2. The New Zoo Revue

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