They Didn't Think

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They Didn't Think

Once a trap was baited
With a piece of cheese;
It tickled so a little mouse,
It almost made him sneeze.

An old rat said, "There's a danger,
Be careful where you go!
"Nonsense!' said the other,
"I don't think you know!'.

So he walked in boldly
Nobody in sight,
First he took a nibble,
Then he took a bite.

Close the trap together
Snapped as quick as wink,
Catching mousey fast there,
'Cause he didn't think.

Once there was a robin,
Lived outside the door,
Who wanted to go inside
And hop upon the floor.

"No, no,' said the mother,
"You must stay with me;
Little birds are safest
Sitting in a tree".

"I don't care,' said Robin,
And gave his tail a fling,
"I don't think the old folks
Know quite everything".

Down he flew, and kitty seized him
Before he'd time to blink;
"Oh,' he cried, "I'm sorry,
But I just didn't think.

This song has been printed from the website.

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  2. They Didn't Think

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