Tiny Tim

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Song Video


Tiny Tim

"I had a tiny turtle his name was Tiny Tim.
We Put him in the bathtub to see if he could swim.
He drank up all the water. He ate up all the soap.
Now he's home sick in bed with a bubble in his throat.

Information About Tiny Tim

Tiny Tim is a nursery rhyme song that has been carefully passed along the generations. Though there isn't a definite writer to credit for the song, it's an old time favorite among children on the playground.

It's a simple song that often makes children laugh and remember it for years to come.

The song is about Tiny Tim a tiny turtle and his bath-time adventure. He's put in a bathtub so he drinks all the water. After the water, he moves on and eats all the soap. The soap causes him to have bubbles in his throat so he doesn't feel well.

In an alternative version, Tiny Tim's mother takes him around to find help because he's not feeling well after drinking water and eating up the soap. It's a lively song with more to Tiny Tim's story and quite entertaining.

The Tiny Tim song works well when introduced to toddlers and young children.

Used during bath time, it's a great lullaby to soothe an infant or small child while making bath time fun.

There are many melodies that can be used for the Tiny Time songs, YouTube has a nice variety if you're looking for the right melody to sing.

Alternative Lyrics & Related Songs

Instead of a turtle we sing about a baby

Miss Lucy had a baby, a baby.
Miss Lucy had a baby and she named him Tiny Tim.
She put him in the bathtub to teach him how to swim.
He drank up all the water,
He ate up all the soap he tried to eat the bathtub
But it wouldn't go down his throat.
Miss Lucy called the doctor
Miss Lucy called the nurse,
Miss Lucy called the lady with the alligator purse.
Operation said the doctor,
Operation said the nurse,
Operation said the lady with the alligator purse.
Out came the water, out came the soap,
Out came the bathtub that wouldn't go down his throat.
Goodbye said the doctor,
Goodbye said the nurse,
Goodbye said the lady with the alligator purse.

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

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  2. Tiny Tim



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