Whale Song

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Whale Song

Last night I had a dream
It was so plain to see.
I was swimming in the ocean
So far out at sea.
I was not scared or breathless
But filled with oh such joy.
A whale was swimming beside me
And telling me her tale.

Her body shone like coal dust
Her movements like a swan.
I clung onto her side
The journey just begun.
She rolled onto her back
I clung with all my might,
But this gentle watery giant
Had no desire to fright.

She sang of distant oceans
Of corals bright and clean.
And brightly colored fishes
Unlike I'd ever seen.
She sang her many stories
And told of wondrous sights.
She sang that I should go home
And sleep the long good night.

Last night I had a dream
It was so plain to see.
I was swimming in the ocean
So far out at sea.
I was not scared or breathless,
But filled with oh such joy
A whale was swimming beside me
And telling me her tale.

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

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  2. Whale Song



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