Which Loved Best

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Which Loved Best

"I love you, Mother, said little John;
Then, forgetting his work, his cap went on.
And he was off to the garden swing,
Leaving his mother the wood to bring.

"I love you, Mother, said rosy Nell,
"I love you better than tongue can tell".
Then she teased and pouted full half the day.
Till her mother was glad when she went to play.

I love you, Mother,' said little Fan,
"To-day I'll help you all that I can;
How glad I am that school doesn't keep!"
So she rocked the babe till he fell asleep.

Then stepping softly, she took the broom,
And swept the floor, and dusted the room.
Busy and happy all day was she;
Helpful and happy as a child could be.

"I love you, Mother,' again they said,
Three little children going to bed.
How do you think that mother guessed
Which of them really loved her best?

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

  1. BusSongs
  2. Which Loved Best



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