Ye Banks & Braes

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Ye Banks & Braes

Ye banks and braes oh bonnie doon
How can ye swoon say fresh and fair.
How can ye chant ye little birds
That I say weary full oh care?

Ye'll break my heart
Ye little birds
That wander through the flowery thorn.
Ye mind me oh departed joys
Departed never to return.

Oft have I roved through bonnie doon
To see the blume and woodbine twine
And ilka bird sings oh 'tis love
And how I wish I were wi' mine.

Ye'll break my heart
Ye little birds
That wander through the flowery thorn.
Ye mind me oh departed joys
Departed never to return.

This song has been printed from the website.

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  2. Ye Banks & Braes

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