Ye Cannae Shove Ye Granny Aff The Bus

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Ye Cannae Shove Ye Granny Aff The Bus

Oh, you cannot shove your granny off the bus,
Oh, you cannot shove your granny off the bus,
Oh, you cannot shove your granny,
'Cause she's your mammy's mammy.
Oh, you cannot shove your granny off the bus!

Shove! Shove!

You can shove your other granny off the bus,
You can shove your other granny off the bus,
You can shove your other granny,
'Cause she's your daddy's mammy.
You can shove your other granny off the bus!

Shove! Shove!

Information About Ye Cannae Shove Ye Granny Aff The Bus

Ye Cannae Shove Ye Granny Aff the Bus is a Scottish folk song for children that came to pass around the early 1940s. This is about the time where Scottish migration into the United States hit its all time high, so a combination of popular American culture and Scottish ideology mixed together in order to create this particular song.

We have not come across any information about who the actual author of this song was. It is a variation of the popular song "She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain," which is an old children's folk song. This song itself is also a derivation of the Christian church song "When the Chariot Comes. " However, most variations of the song simply use the melody and change the lyrics to a different meaning.

The song, while telling children not to push their grandmothers off the school bus, is meant to be a fun silly song. Granted not all granny's will appreciate this song. Especially because the song tells you not to push your "...mammy's mammy off the bus". But goes on to say that its okay to push "...your daddy's mammy..."

While this song is a lot of fun to sing we encourage everyone to respect their elders, especially their grandparents whether on their mother's of father's side.

This song has been printed from the website.

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  2. Ye Cannae Shove Ye Granny Aff The Bus

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