Fred The Moose

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Song Video


Fred The Moose

There was a great big moose
He liked to drink a lot of juice
There was a great big moose
He liked to drink a lot of juice.

Chorus: Singing Way-oh, way-oh
Way-oh way-oh way-oh way-oh
Way-oh, way-oh!
Way-oh way-oh way-oh way-oh.

The moose's name was Fred
He liked to drink his juice in bed
The moose's name was Fred
He liked to drink his juice in bed

He drank his juice with care
But he spilt it everywhere
He drank his juice with care
But he spilt it everywhere

There was a great big moose,
On the loose,
Full of Juice.

Information About Fred The Moose

Fred the Moose is a children's song where a leader sings a verse and it is repeated by the other children. It can be called an "action song", as clapping hands, and stomping feet can go along with each chorus.

Can a moose really drink juice? No, of course not! Moose are part of the deer family, and they live in forest in mild and cold climates of North America. They like to eat plants! Moose are vegetarians! Their favorite plants grow on the ground or in the shallow parts of lakes and rivers. A typical moose can eat up to seventy pounds of food a day!

The word "moose" comes from a Native American word. Boy moose are called "bulls" and girl moose are called "cows".

Can a moose drink juice? No, moose drink water!

But you can sing about a moose who drinks juice with this song, anytime you want! Or you can sing about deer with this song.

This song has been printed from the website.

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  2. Fred The Moose

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