I Hear Thunder

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I Hear Thunder

I hear Thunder, I hear Thunder,
Oh don't you ? Oh, don't you ?
Pitter-patter raindrops,
Pitter-Patter raindrops
I'm wet through,
I'm wet through.

Information About I Hear Thunder

"I Hear Thunder" is a nursery rhyme song that is sung to the tune of Frere Jacques. This can be an action song, because children can clap their hands or stomp their feet to make a sound like thunder. Have you ever heard thunder? Some people say it sounds like someone is bowling in the sky! Many years ago, some people thought thunder was the noise of clouds bumping into each other. But of course, neither of those stories are true.

Thunder is the sound caused by lightning. Sometimes it is a large single crack noise, sometimes it is a long slow rumble. Both types are caused by changes in the temperature and pressure in the air that comes from lightning.

Hearing thunder and seeing lightning does not always mean it is going to rain. Sometimes thunder and lightning occur when there is no rain.

Alternative Lyrics & Related Songs

From one of our fans

I hear thunder, I hear thunder,
Hark don't you, Hark don't you,
Pitter-patter rain drops, pitter-patter rain drops,
I am blue, so are you.

Repeat the verse 3 times to make a longer song

I hear thunder, I hear thunder,
Hark don't you, hark don't you?
Pitter patter raindrops, pitter patter raindrops,
I'm wet through, so are you.

I hear thunder, I hear thunder,
Hark don't you, hark don't you?
Pitter patter raindrops, pitter patter raindrops,
I'm wet through, so are you.

I hear thunder, I hear thunder,
Hark don't you, hark don't you?
Pitter patter raindrops, pitter patter raindrops,
I'm wet through, so are you.

Here's a different ending you can add too

I see blue skies, I see blue skies,
Way up high, Way up high!
Hurry up the sunshine,
Hurry up the sunshine
We'll soon dry! We'll soon dry!

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

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  2. I Hear Thunder



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