Brother John

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Song Video


Brother John

Are you sleeping,
Are you sleeping?
Brother John,
Brother John?
Morning bells are ringing,
Morning bells are ringing.
Ding Ding Dong,
Ding Ding Dong.

Information About Brother John

Originally sung in French as Frere Jacques. as most of us know there exist numerous alternative lyrics to this song. We can say that Frere Jacques. as a melody, is amongst the best known tunes in the World.

Brother John is one of the many such children's songs that is listed as an alternative lyric to Frere Jacques. The song "Brother John" has several different verses. The name "John" can be replaced with other names like Jack and James.

For any further information about the song Frere Jacques and its many different translations you may find Wikipedia helpful.

Alternative Lyrics & Related Songs

You can change the lyrics with the words below to add in some variety

Morning bells are ringing,
children are a' singing,
why aren't you
why aren't you.

This is a funny parody sent in by a visitor to the site, you just might be hearing this song in your ear one morning

Are you snoring?
Are you snoring?
yes you are!!!
gawd that's so annoying,
gawd that's so anything.
please wake up.

Here's another parody that doesn't bode well when you have to rush off to the bathroom

School Dinners,
School Dinners.
Concrete chips
concrete chips.
Semolina pudding,
Semolina pudding.
I feel sick.
Bathroom quick.

If you fancy a go at Spanish, here's a version just for you

Martinelo, Martinelo
Duermastu? Duermastu? (pronounced DOO- AIR MAS TOO)
Tocan las campanas, Tocan las companas
Din Din Don
Din Din Don.

This song has been printed from the website.

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  2. Brother John

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