Five Green And Speckled Frogs

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Song Video


Five Green And Speckled Frogs

Five Green and speckled frogs,
Sitting on a hollow log,
Eating some most delicious bugs,
Yum, Yum.
One frog jumped in the pool,
Where it was nice and cool,
Now there are only four speckled frogs,
Glub, glub.

Four Green and speckled frogs,
Sitting on a hollow log,
Eating some most delicious bugs,
Yum, Yum.
One frog jumped in the pool,
Where it was nice and cool,
Now there are only three speckled frogs,
Glub, glub.

Three Green and speckled frogs,
Sitting on a hollow log,
Eating some most delicious bugs,
Yum, Yum.
One frog jumped in the pool,
Where it was nice and cool,
Now there are only two speckled frogs,
Glub, glub.

Two Green and speckled frogs,
Sitting on a hollow log,
Eating some most delicious bugs,
Yum, Yum.
One frog jumped in the pool,
Where it was nice and cool,
Now there is only one speckled frog,
Glub, glub.

One Green and speckled frog,
Sitting on a hollow log,
Eating some most delicious bugs,
Yum, Yum.
One frog jumped in the pool,
Where it was nice and cool,
Now there are no speckled frogs,
Glub, glub.

Information About Five Green And Speckled Frogs

"Five Green and Speckled Frogs" is an alternate version to the popular nursery rhyme 'Five Little Speckled Frogs'. The lyrics are only slightly different but the story and meaning is the same.

The song is similar in format to 'Ten Green Bottles', but instead of bottles accidentally falling off of a wall, it features the frogs jumping into the pool where it is nice and cool.

The song is a great way to help children with their counting. Much like "Ten Green Bottles", it is useful for teaching children to count backwards in a fun way as with each verse there is one frog less.

To make it more fun an engaging for children, there are hand motions that are often used during the song, with each line having a different action to go along with the lyrics. To find out the most commonly used hand motions used with the song, see this page.

This song has been printed from the website.

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